Now we are into March, we are now winding up our various winter projects and the mower is out topping the luxuriant growth of grass. The winter has, so far been mild, but of course, anything could happen. We planted the bilateral Apple step-over cordons today into their final positions. The only slight snag was that the wires they are to be attached to, are not yet in place, but we thought it better to get the Apples planted whilst they are dormant. One of Napoleon’s maxims was: ground can be made up, but time never! It is always better to get tasks done at the optimal time if you can. We put out numbered tallies to mark the rows and inter-spaces between rows in the vegetable plot. This is a great way to maximise space in a small vegetable plot. The crops can be properly planned and timed and over the course of a few seasons, a proper rotation worked out.
Many of the seeds have germinated already, within a week, and are up and away. Onopordum, Cosmos, Lupinus and some Brugmansia. Once germinated, they are moved out of the propagator to cool down in the unheated glasshouse. This stops them getting leggy and ‘cooked’.
It is time to buy in some seed potatoes for chitting as we start to sow a few vegetables for the table.