Garden Blog

Tricks For Growing Tree Ferns

The days are lengthening and the temperature is perceptibly slightly warmer. We decided to plant a tree fern into the open ground in a sheltered, ...
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Planning the Vegetable Garden

Now we are into March, we are now winding up our various winter projects and the mower is out topping the luxuriant growth of grass. ...
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Early Sowing

In February/March we start sowing for the season in earnest. No great quantity of anything as it is still quite early. Sowing at this time ...
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Breaking Bud

We planted two hedges, one of Hornbeam and the other of Beech. The plants were bare rooted and cost very little each to buy. The ...
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Apple Goblets and a New Cornus from North East India

There are twenty young apple trees planted in the Wildflower Orchard, ten eating apples, Adam’s Pearmain and ten cookers, Lord Derby, both on M25 rootstocks, ...
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Pruning the Vine

The weather has been kind and the ground has dried up a bit in the cold breezes we have enjoyed over the last few days. ...
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Seeding Ideas

January has been a great time to do some planning for the future. New seed is coming from New Zealand, the Chatham Island Forget-me-not, Myosotidium ...
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A Challenging Start To The Year

Back from the Christmas break and disaster has occurred. The local wildlife have eaten many of the tulips which were newly planted before Christmas, eating ...
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A New Woodland Walk, Tulip Planting and Looking Ahead to 2022

A fine start has been made planting a small part of the Woodland Walk with a view to developing this into a woodland garden in ...
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As Autumn fades the winter work continues

The mild weather continues and this year’s display of late autumn/early winter colour has been fabulous. Perhaps the most stunning has been Acer palmatum ‘Osakazuki’, ...
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Planting for a Coastal Garden

The work of cutting back herbaceous plants in the borders went on apace this week. Some of the ‘pinch points’, where the grass always becomes ...
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Autumn Colour and Beautiful Small Trees

As the Walled Garden is now closed, the garden team have been clearing the ground for the Glenarm Tulip Festival, 30th April – 2nd May. ...
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Early Sowing

In February/March we start sowing for the season in earnest. No great quantity of anything as it is still quite early. Sowing at this time ...

Planning the Vegetable Garden

Now we are into March, we are now winding up our various winter projects and the mower is out topping the luxuriant growth of grass. ...

Tricks For Growing Tree Ferns

The days are lengthening and the temperature is perceptibly slightly warmer. We decided to plant a tree fern into the open ground in a sheltered, ...

Spring Bulbs And The New Woodland Walk

Last autumn, we took some hardwood cuttings of Berberis thunbergia ‘Atropurpurea Nana’, a fabulous small berberis which forms a fine square-sided, small hedge around 2 ...

A Dose Of Salts And A Mystery Critter

We are still planting at Glenarm, especially after a couple of bouts of prolonged rainfall – beauteous rain! In our lighter sandy loam, Magnesium becomes ...

Highlights of the Herbaceous Border

Thankfully, the squirrel has forgotten about our luscious tree fern and the drama of its unfurling has been allowed to continue unmolested. The tulips have ...

A Bed of Roses

The Irish spring continues to rage around us with cold, drying winds, overcast skies and very little in the way of rain. One old book ...

Late Summer Planting and Pruning

The biennials sown in June are now ready to go outside to bulk up for the late summer, before they are lifted and planted out ...

Cooking The Cuttings

Late summer is a great time to take semi-ripe cuttings. At the moment, we have Abutilon ‘Nabob’, Buddleja colvilei, Lonicera brownii ‘Dropmore Scarlet’, Senecio glastifolius, ...

Preparing For Winter

Nights are beginning to cool now and so we are making preparations for the autumn and winter. We have been growing many different types of ...

The Secret To Successful Autumn Cuttings

October is a good time to take all sorts of soft-wood cuttings. Most have ripened a little and they are no longer soft as the ...

Winter Work Under The Glass

The weather has been as wet as I’ve ever known it, which sadly fits the Met Eireann prediction that Ireland will be getting wetter over ...
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